The most celebrated star in the history of screen horror headlines these two atmospheric works filled with producer Val Lewton’s trademark mix of mood, madness and premeditated dread. Boris Karloff shares a quarantined house with other strangers on a plague-infested – perhaps spirit-haunted – Isle of the Dead. St. Mary’s of Bethlehem Asylum in 1761 London is the setting for Bedlam. Karloff gives an uncanny performance as the doomed overseer who fawns on high-society benefactors, while ruling the mentally disturbed inmates with an iron fist. Mark Robson, who edited three films for Lewton and directed five, guides both films.
Isle of the Dead / Bedlam
SKU: 888574444921
Commentary on BEDLAM by film historian Tom Weaver
Subtitles: English, French & Spanish (Main Feature Only)